Sunday, March 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Sister!

Today my sister turned 20! Not even a teenager anymore.
I love my sister.
She is fun, creative, unique, artistic, and a great dancer.

Happy Birthday!

In honor of her I will share with you a story.

Once upon a time in the kingdom of Reno a young beautiful princess lived with her parents. One day they brought home another princess and told the beautiful one that they brought her home a sister. The princess was hesitant at first but grew to love her.

The sisters went on many adventures together.

One of their favorite adventures was battling the peasants in the land of Chuck E. Cheese for a chance to play in (and possibly get a disease from) the ball pits.

As they grew up they discovered they had many talents. A couple of which included designing dresses (and accessories) made from tissue paper and the other being modeling the said tissue paper dress (which was a difficult task to accomplish whilst standing in front of that wall paper)

(shortly after this photo was taken modeling agencies and fashion designers around the world were begging to work with the princesses. They did refuse however because they wanted to be known for not just their incredible beauty and talent but for their brains)

There were many heart breaks and trials though. But no matter what obstacles stood in their way (some being Barney pajamas and headbands) they always faced them together with smiles on their faces.

The beautiful older and wiser princess always took care of her sister and made sure she knew all the important things in life. One being the importance of always looking your best. Especially in a flower print jumpsuit.

The princesses grew up. There were different trials and obstacles. They lost loved ones, their father the King was temporarily out of a job (a big time recession hit the kingdom), and friends, boys, and other distractions kept them apart.

But they always ended up back together. Still smiling.

And the princesses loved each other and promised each other that they would always be there for each other. No matter what. (Even though the younger one acted like she didn't love her older sister in public because it might be "embarrassing")

The older beautiful and wiser sister always knew the truth.

the end.

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