Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday Letters

Dear Gardeners,
Thanks for hanging around outside my bathroom window.  Hope you liked when I opened it half-dressed and with a towel on my head an let out a little scream when I saw you.
Maybe knock next time.

Dear Glee,
Season 4 should feature a massive time jump featuring an adult, failed actress, Rachel Berry as a Dance Moms cast member.
Think about it.

Dear General Public,
I used Taylor Swift lyrics to get my point across in a discussion the other day so...look out!  This girl is going places!

Dear Ron Artest,
Welcome to the Douche Bag club.  Go ahead and have a seat over there in between Ben Roethlisberger and Phillip Rivers.  Tom Brady is in charge if you have any questions.

Dear "The Wedding Planner",
I don't know which is harder to believe....that J.Lo is Italian or Matthew McConauhey is a DOCTOR.  How stupid do you think we are?
Just stop.

Dear Readers,
I hope you have a great weekend!  Do something that scares you, laugh until you cry, eat cupcakes!
See you next week!

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