Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Letters

Dear Diet Coke,
It's been 2 days and I already miss you.  I'm so sorry I never really appreciated you like I should have.
Yours Always,

Dear Wii Fit Plus Island Cycling,
Why do I get the feeling you're trying to kill me?  Maybe it's the way my calves feel like they're going to snap.
I'm sure I'll thank you someday....someday when I can once again walk up the stairs without screeching in pain.

Dear Guys in Cargo Shorts,
Indeed they can hold everything....except a conversation with a girl.
Just trying to be helpful,

Dear New Fall Television,
So far you're doing a good job.  Thank you "Ringer" and "The Secret Circle" for being added to my list of reasons why I don't have a boyfriend.
I don't really blame you,

Dear Ray LaMontagne,
To me you are perfect.  In every way.
Love Always and Forever,

Dear Readers,
Thank you for reading.  Because...that's what you do. And hopefully comment. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!!!!

1 comment:

Sladja said...

I love yours letter posts!
So fabulous! :)
BTW "Ringer" LIKE!


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