Sunday, August 3, 2008

Equations, Endorphins, and The Jonas Brothers...

What more could you want in a blog right??? create some clarity into the blog topic today I would like to share with you a dream I had last night...go ahead grab some popcorn...maybe a cold beverage...if it involves the Jo Bro's you know it's going to be good...
I suppose I should learn to go to bed earlier or meditate or something because last night's dream took me to places that I didn't even know my subconscious could go. Ok..on with the dream.
Picture if you will me being married to a Jonas Brother...Joe Jonas to be specific (I know...but try really hard)...this is how my dream starts out. I am married to Joe Jonas while helping the younger Jonas...Nick...with some dating show he is on (please don't ask why I know their names and kindly overlook the fact that I previously referred to them as the Jo Bros)
So being so caught up in Jonas mania I completely forget about my interview/test on Wednesday. So at 8:15...the time I have to leave...I'm not even dressed yet. So I rush to get ready and then remember it's professional dress so I have to change. Then I'm quickly trying to review *this is where the equation part of the story comes in* and I'm panting and sweating and freaking out. So I woke up disoriented, was harboring angry feelings towards Joe Jonas, and trying desperately to solve for y.
I am losing my mind.
On other news I made up my mind that I'm going to start walking again. Anyone remember when I lost 15 pounds in February??? Yeah I hardly do I'm going to start again. Unfortunately my lame sisters aren't helping me out. I tried in my sweetest voice to convince them that getting up at 7 am to exercise was fun! (yeah they didn't buy it). I think the exercise and the endorphins could really come in handy right now because I am so obviously way too stressed...and I really don't want to dream about math EVER again... I'm just kind of concerned that I will lose the motivation I have now and be right back where I started....maybe I'll call up my husband Joe and see what he suggests...

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