Saturday, September 26, 2009

You Know You're Poor When....

You can't squeeze anymore out of your face wash bottle and instead of throwing it away you cut off the top and scrape it out with a spatula until nothing comes out anymore.

I swear I'm not as white trash as I seem
and please don't show this picture to Brad Pitt or he'll never marry me.

As a side note: while cleaning my room last week I discovered I am apparently growing deathcaps. I thought they were growing from underneath the floorboards at first until I found one yesterday straight up just sprouting out of the middle of the carpet. Any fungi
experts out there because this is clearly a moldy fungus...or green death. My epitaph will read

She died at the hands of a moldy fungs
She no longer walks among us

and trust me when I say I was more planning on my epitaph saying

Here lies the beloved wife of Justin Timberlake

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