Monday, September 22, 2008

Paging Dr. Nelson I'm not a Dr...yet. But you're looking at the newest member of Community North Hospital's PSP program. That's's official ladies and gentlemen. I was officially offered the position this morning. I'll be working night shift in the Ortho/Neuro unit starting out part time but hopefully they'll have the need for me to be full time soon. Orientation starts October 6th!!! What a relief to know that in a couple of weeks I'll be making more money AND having full health benefits. My Heavenly Father really took the reins on this one...and I couldn't be more grateful. To find a job that is going to open so many doors for me and provide me the education I need as well...oh life is good.

In other news...we had our Primary Program yesterday in church and let me tell you...WHAT A RELIEF! Trying to corral 10 Sunbeams on the stands is not an easy task. The kids loved being able to talk into the microphone but while waiting for our second part they got a little restless. Katie Marble wanted to sit on my lap (then she wanted to sit with Kalia, then she wanted to stand up, then she wanted to go sit with her mom....) she is such a sweetheart though. Then there was sweet sweet Layton McMahon who has the most precious face he can melt your heart in .3 seconds. He has a fascination with his mouth in the sense that he was licking the chair in front of him, eating my sister's bracelet (sorry Calah), and when it was his turn to say his part he promtly stuck the mic in his mouth....nice. Nathan Battraw is just a bundle of energy and wanted nothing to do with the whole thing...poor kid...I felt his pain. The kids' part was to tell something they are thankful for and I have to say Jacob Griffiths was probably my favorite...the delivery was the best part. Clear as day he proudly says "I'm thankful for cereal" oh Jacob aren't we all??? Kaia Wilson is a force to be reckoned with and when she says something she means when she adamently told Diana Talbot that "it is NOT our turn to sing!!!"...she meant business. Diana was heartbroken and I looked over at her and her big blue eyes were welling with tears...every nerve in my body went into panic mode (Abort! Abort! 4 year old about to cry....)so I quickly had her come over to me and assured her that we would be singing shortly. All in wouldn't matter if the kids all shouted and screamed and ran around the stage the entire time (which they didn't...thankfully)...I would still adore them. It is impossible to be frustrated with this bunch because they are really and truly just so fantastic. I have so much fun with them and love being their teacher...there is just something about those Sunbeams.
Well that's all for me...I have a day off work so I'll be able to get a lot done (ie watching Beverly Hills 90210) :)

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