Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday Spotlight - Corinne Freeman

This week's spotlight is a friend that I've had for a long time....since Elementary school to be exact.  We lost touch when I moved but no matter what she is always there to lend a listening ear and I really admire that about her.  She is crazy creative and artistic and is a mom to 2 adorable kids.  For some reason I could not find a single picture of us together.  We were both really stubborn and would fight so maybe they were all lost in some post-fight burning ritual?  JK....I stole some from her from when we were in Elementary school- warning.  They are extremely sexy.

Corinne's house was awesome because she had a pool in her backyard.  We spent many summer days swimming and playing around in the backyard.  Here we are blowing bubbles with gum.  We were total Bad-A's

Our parents let us go Trick or Treating on our own for the first time in 5th grade.  We went with our friend Whitney (pictured below as Cleopatra).  I'm not sure what Corinne is supposed to be and I am obviously a girl in pigtails and pajamas with clown make up on (aka a baby) *As a side note to you remember when Ben Clements and his older brother chased us around the Baird's front yard wearing all black and masks?  What a tool.

And now I present you with Corinne's Questionnaire.

Three Greatest Achievements
1. Giving Birth.  Twice!  Although I will only count this as one. It probably would have been a greater acheivement if I'd done it au natural and all but seeing as I'm a wimp, I got the best thing known to [wo]man: an epidual
2. Scoring 36 on the language part of the ACT.  [don't ask me how I did on math]
3. My art.  This is pretty all-encompassing...but being asked to show pieces at several invitation only exhibits and selling a piece to my high school for permanent display and just my creative process in general.

Three Names You Go By:
1. Mommy
2. Shorty
3. C [my mom calls me that]

Three Things That Scare You:
1. Spiders [I get the heebie jeebies just thinking about them]
2. Scary movies
3. My kids growing up to hate and/or resent me

Three things that make you happy:
1. My family
2. Bubble baths [long, hot ones]
3. Coke! Mmm....I want one.  Now.

Three things you hate:
1. When my babies are sick/hurting and I can't take it away
2. Feeling helpless
3. Vulgarity...when it's over the top, way too much at once

Three things that you are wearing right now:
1. A T shirt that says "bite me" [it's hubby's, he got it in Salem, has a big bat on it]
2. Jammie pants!  Baggy flannel comfy ones!
3. My big fat diamond on my left finger :)

Three things about the opposite sex that appeal to you:
1. Blue eyes/blond hair
2. Nice butt [my hubby's got the BEST rear end in the world, and I mean that]
3. That ring on my hubby's finger that means he's MINE...muahhahahahaha

Three careers you've considered:
1. Graphic Designer
2. Fashion Designer
3. Art Therapist [specifically working with kids who have been sexually abused]

Three things you want to do before you die:
1. Visit Europe: France, Italy, England...spend hours in art museums
2. Finish my degree
3. Be truly happy with myself

Describe yourself in one word:
That is a hard one....hubby says "wonderful" [then he says PAIN]
I think I would say...passionate

*For my own commentary I would say passionate also...look at her passion for blowing that bubble gum bubble up there.  Intense focus and definite passion.

And for no reason at all.  Corinne on a horse.
You're welcome.

Stay tuned for next never know.  You may see yourself on  here.


cornnut32 said...

hahaha! you crack me up. i'm glad i could be your friday friend spotlight. :)

i actually had totally forgotten about that night ben and his brother chased us until you said's crazy how much i've forgotten!

thanks for all your flattery. :) i do actually have a bunch more pics of us together, i never burned any, in spite of our retarded pre-teen fighting. i think we're just both so smart and hardheaded we couldn't help but fight...right? ;)

you're just so awesome i can't help but be in love with you (in a strictly friend-only weirdness).

cornnut32 said...

oh yeah, for halloween i was a corpse. morbid, i know, but hey...i'm morbid.

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